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Graphical Techniques
University Project: Graphics Programming, Second Year (2009).

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During the second year for the Graphics Programming module the assessment brief was to produce an interactive 3 dimensional environment in OpenGL that utilised graphical techniques introduced during lectures. I chose to focus on implementing the graphical techniques at the expense of creating a particularly appealing environment. The program was developed in Visual Studio.

The main techniques implemented were subdivision, recursion and vertex arrays. These techniques are being applied to a vehicle object. The location of the vertices were calculated by hand and manually added into the vertex array. The other objects in the scene were added to meet a requirement in the brief. A requirement of implementing these techniques was to create my own vector class capable of correctly calculating the cross product. The tank itself is rendered in three sections using hierachical modelling. This allows the the turret and barrel to move independantly in relation to each other.

The 3d environment. Most effort went into the technology behind the tank.

There were two other techniques I attempted to implement; textures and per-pixel lighting. It became obvious quite early on that per-pixel lighting was going to be too time-consuming to fully understand and implement in time, plus it required texturing, so I focused more on textures. Having little experience with textures at all at the time, this was also a challenge and unfortunately my decision to attempt writing my own method for loading textures meant I did not have textures working correctly at the time of submission.

The tank engine, turret and gun are drawn using hierarchical modelling.

The environment in wireframe mode.

You can download the executable in Rar (96 KB) or Zip (111 KB) format.
Graphical Techniques: RAR ZIP

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